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What is the market like for buyers? -And how I can help.

Buyers' offers are being rejected left and right. Wouldn't it be nice to know what kind of offers are being accepted? As a seller's agent for properties I list. I see them all, and I know what works. I can coach you through making the right offers. But, that is where the right reports come in. We need to know the market, we need to know how much above asking your type of home is getting. But it is not just that, if some homes are priced too low, of course they will get a lot more over asking price. I analyze the data and explain it to you so that we know what offers to make. I read the seller's agent and get information to help us make better offers.

Should I wait to buy when the market crashes?

I have been a real estate investor since 2005 and my answer is no, don't wait. In fact, I just closed on a home in January that has gone up more than $100k. My investor friends are making great money buying homes. I went through the up, the down, the back up again times of the market bubble. Regardless of whether our market will crash or not, my advice is still to go for it now. I can explain more in detail if you have more questions, but interest rates are low, rental rates are rising, and Idaho is booming; demand must lower more than supply. If you can get a comfortable monthly payment for you on a purchase, owning a home offers more security than staying a tenant. There are also some finance methods I can share with you to help you keep your home affordable and a great investment.

What I offer buyers

I AM A NUMBERS PERSON: Is it cheaper to buy a house in a higher tax levy area that is lower in price? Sometimes it is not. I am here to explain things to you that maybe you had not thought about. Additionally:

I do not guarantee you will find a home to buy, or that I will save you the most money. I will work hard to help you the best way I can. You can fire me at any time if you are not satisfied; if I do not help you find a home to purchase, you will not receive this offer. Must claim this offer by calling or sending me an email by January 31, 2021 to qualify and must close escrow by February 2022.