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What is the market like for sellers?

It is no secret: Sellers are juggling multiple over asking price and overappraised offers.

How should I price my home?

When you underprice your home, the home gets its true value anyway as long as your realtor knows how to play the game and ensure multiple offers. Without the right realtor, you will get too low of a price for your home. When you price on the high side of your market price, you sit on the market maybe another weekend, but you get close to your price. Pricing your house over the range will cause you to be on the market longer and eventually lower your price to meet buyer demand or stay there long enough for the market to catch up with you. It is important your agent runs reports to know where your selling range is to be successful in this market. We need to know what the asking price should be and allow that to increase what you actually sell for. An example of such reports can be found here. It is a report I ran for my recent client who is moving to Idaho so that she can find her best home, but it works for sellers as well. I can help you run a report based on your particular need and analyze the data to get you exactly where you need to list your home. And don't worry, I explain everything in great detail so you understand what I am analyzing with the data I pull.

Can I sell my home for sale by owner and make more money?

I would not recommend it. I currently have a listing at Glen Ellyn St in Boise. It was a for sale by owner. He had it on the market for 24 days. He got 2445 views and 60 saves on Zillow. He got no written offers, many lowball offers, lots of real estate agents bothering him, and a lot of frustration. He hired me instead. We priced exactly where he had the house priced, then upped it $5k, a little on the high side but still within range. In 8 days, he had 3500 views and 80 saves on Zillow and a great offer, we are pending. When I do an open house, most people who walk in the door are working with a realtor, maybe 1 out of 10 does not have a realtor yet, but, most all of them end up with one, normally me if they are looking for an agent. If you sell for sale by owner, you will not get the same exposure and right now exposure is what is driving the prices up. If you don't get 3 good offers, you have no negotiating power. Many for sale by owners are giving away the commission they would have paid with lower offers and doing all the work. Many times they end up paying a buyer's agent commission anyway and they lost out on the right marketing techniques that get top dollar.

What I offer Sellers

I offer more than a typical Comparative Market Analysis. With these changing times, realtors too must change or they are not serving their clients well.

I do not guarantee your home will sell, will sell as quickly as other homes on the market, or will sell for a certain profit. I will work hard to help you the best way I can. You can fire me at any time if you are not satisfied.